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Advanced Engineering School in Electronic and Optical Processes                                                                          

BP 6744 - 12, rue de Blois

45067 Orléans Cédex 2

Tel: (033)

Fax: (033)


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     The ESPEO is a young engineering school in Orleans, France. Created in 1992, it is a modern school with high technological equipment. Engineers educated at the ESPEO are specialized in electronics and optics and in computer sciences. Students have four years to obtain their diploma in one of the four specializations:

                                            - Real time systems.

                                            - Laser Photonics.

                                            - Signals and Images.

                                            - Plasma manipulation.

One of the ESPEO's priorities is to give students a good level in English. At the ESPEO, internships are also very important, in fact during the first three years, each student is required to do 15 weeks of internships. In the fourth year, the internship must be a minimum of  4 months.

  The ESPEO works with two laboratories, the GREMI (Research group of energizing of ionized environments) and the LESI  (Laboratory of Electronics, Signals and Images), which enhance each of the four specializations of the third and fourth years at the school.

  The ESPEO is a relatively new school; however, many French and foreign compagnies have special partnerships with the school.

