It's a map describing a meteorological situation for aeronautics. It is distributed every 3 hours.

Features of a typical map are the hour of validity (1), the center of pressure (H) for anticyclone and (L)  for depression (2), the position of fronts (3), the limit of significant time (4), phenomena with particular symbol (5) (chart for examples), the turbulence (6), the level of the isotherm zero (7), temperature and level of the tropopause (8).MAP¨TEMSI (click to see a larger picture)


CAT: Clear Air Turbulence
fdrizzle aero.jpg (496 octets) : Drizzle fsevere icing aero.jpg (438 octets): Moderate icing
ffreezing fog aero.jpg (485 octets): Freezing frog fmoderate turbulence aero.jpg (431 octets): Moderate turbulence
ffreezing rain aero.jpg (443 octets): Freezing rain frain aero.jpg (549 octets): Rain
fhail aero.jpg (401 octets): Hail fshower aero.jpg (406 octets): Shower



(numbers are on the maps)


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