Frédéric GOUTAUDIER                                                                                                   

"Le haut des charmes"                                                                                                         

42640 St Romain la motte

Tel/Fax : (0) 2 38 69 69 56            

E-mail :



1998-01 : Student at the ESPEO (Advanced Engineering School in Electronic and Optical Processes) – University of Orleans

                (Second semester of the second year at the University of Wollongong (Australia))

1996-98 : BTS in optics (advanced vocational training certificate) at V.Berard of Morez college

1995 : Scientific Baccalauréat (equivalent to a high school diploma)



internships :

2000 : Internship of 7 weeks in the Power Quality Center at Wollongong (Australia) for my second year at the ESPEO

            Subject : Design of a voltage flicker generator by using a microcontroller

1999 : Internship of 6 weeks at Angénieux S.A. (France) for my first year at the ESPEO

            Subject : writing of a procedure of aspherical elements control and measure of the cleanliness of a white room

1997 : Internship of 6 weeks at Angénieux S.A. (France) for my BTS

            Subject : Characterization of a device used for measuring lens characteristics

Project :

1998: Conception and creation of a device used for spatial filtering

1999: Creation of a software to record and replay sounds (VC++)

2000: Design of a system to emit ultrasounds

2001: Creation of a software to study the electrical properties of blumheim line (Matlab)

Jobs :

1992 à 96 : Grape harvesting (1 week each year)



(Voir fiches de profil minimum)

Langues : 

English (reasonable working level), basic German

2000 : 1 semester at the University of Wollongong

1993 : 3 weeks of German language studies in Germany at the Goëthe-Institut

Computer knowledge :



Birthday: July 3rd, 1978

B.I.A (Diploma of aeronautics initiation) and Diploma of VFR piloting

Driver's license class A and E, Volleyball, photography, first-aid certificate, president of the sport office at the ESPEO


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